Product name: amygdalin
Plant origin: nut of semen armeniacae amarae
Plant origin: Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi
Effective constituent: amygdalin
Product specification: 98%
Testing method: HPLC
Appearance: fine white powder
Smell character: special smell
CAS No.:29883-15-6
Molecular weight: 457.43
Molecular formula: C20H27NO11
Structural formula:
Function and uses: relieving cough, relieving asthma, anti-inflammatory, relieve pain
Solubility: water solubility: 83G/L(25°C); easily soluble in boiled water; nearly insoluble in diethyl ether
Scope of application: material of medicine and health care product
Above information has not been approved by State Food and Drug Administration yet. From published document and for reference only