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Mango seed extract

Chinese name: mango seed extract
Extraction source: seed kernel

The product is kidney - shaped or ovoid, slightly flat. Length 4 ~ 7cm, width 3 ~ 4.5cm, thickness 1 ~ 2cm, surface yellowish white or earthen yellow, several slightly curved shallow groove lines, and covered with hairy fibers. The stone is hard and contains 1 seed. The surface of the seed crumpled, the seed coat brown-green to dark brown, difficult to peel with seed kernel. Cotyledons 2, hypertrophic, surface brown, section light brown, with punctate or striate dark spots.

Large evergreen trees. Leaves aggregate branch top, leathery, oblong, long lanceolate, paniculate branch top, flowers small, light yellow, after flowers tuberculous fruit. Fruit large, askew ovate, ripe fruit yellow. Love warm, not frost, like light. When the average temperature is 20 ~ 30℃, the growth is good, when the temperature drops to 18 ℃, the growth is slow, and the growth stops below 10℃. The optimum annual rainfall range is 800 to 2500 mm. Loose loam and sandy loam with deep soil layer, low groundwater level, abundant organic matter, good drainage and good quality are ideal. The loam and sandy loam grow well in slightly acidic to neutral soil with pH5.5 ~ 7.5.


Above information has not been approved by State Food and Drug Administration yet. From published document and for reference only
