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Platycodon Grandiflorum Extract

Product name: Platycodon grandiflorum p.e.
Plant origin: Platycodon grandiflorum(Jacq.) A.DC.
Place of origin: Shaanxi,China(Mainland)
Effective constituent: Baicalin and Baicalein
Product specification: 100% pass 80 mesh
Testing method: HPLC
Appearance: Brown yellow powder
Description: Perennial herb wholly glabrous, slightly glaucescent; root white, fleshy, radishshaped, finger-thick, with abundant milky juice; stems ascending from base or straight, simple, 40–50 cm, herbaceous, glabrous or smooth, longitudinally striate in lower part; radical leaves alternate or sometimes nearly opposite, arranged along the lower half of stem or even higher, ovate-lanceolate, sessile, tapering at base, 2.5–3.4 cm long, 2–3 cm wide, rather large-toothed, pale beneath, glaucescent, upper leaves reduced. Flowers usually 1, sometimes 2, large, lengthily pedunculate, broadly campanulate or deeply saucer-shaped; calyx in 5 segments; corolla 5-lobed, violet-blue, 4 cm long; stamens 5; ovary many-celled. Fruit an ovoid capsule dehiscent at the top; seeds ovoid, compressed, obtuse, first violet then brown; albumen fleshy

Function and uses: 

1.It has expectoranting action.

2.It can antitussive, anti-inflammatory.

3.It can treat lung pain and exclusion of pus.

4.It has the dilation of blood vessels, step-down role.
Scope of application: Cough with much phlegm, sore throat, hoarseness of voice; lung abscess with purulent expectoration; abscess difficult to burst after suppuration. 
Above information has not been approved by State Food and Drug Administration yet. From published document and for reference only
